Thursday, July 15, 2010


Hello, friends.

We haven't spoken in some time. I am rectifying that now. Carrying forward from here there will be no whining, no horseplay, no kicking your brother and no eating the Cracker Jacks between the car seats.

Let me point out that this has been a summer of successes for the fine company I blog for. In case you haven't noticed, people be desirin' this shiz all UP in they stores. The guys are bigger than the Beatles, AND the subsequent Gallagher brothers band to follow that claimed to be bigger than the Beatles. You heard me. They're a step above Oasis. Except they don't annually hire and fire their band mates. Yet.

I don't have a Straight Shootin' question to answer this week. However. I present to you a breath of freshness, wherein I shed some light on some really cool things that I know about.

Thing the primary: Cancer. Not cool. Not cool at all. Earlier this year someone close to me found out that one of their very VERY close friends was diagnosed with cancer for the second time. She had previously gone into remission but was unfortunately re-diagnosed. Following the first discovery of the disease she began to write a very up-close and personal account of the things she was going through. We're talking photos, too. She held nothing back. She also wrote a list. Not a bucket list, but a list of things she wished for and was driven to accomplish.

During her second bout of treatment, not too long ago in April of this year she passed away. Least cool of all the things I have mentioned thus far. However. Her husband has made leaps and bounds in accomplishing the things that she had on her list and he's brought attention to this journey in ways that are absolutely astounding. Every day he posts some other crazy new thing that has exposed his wife's story and has reached out to other people who are going through the same thing.

Being the starving post-post-secondary student that I am, there's not much I can do to monetarily contribute to his cause, but I thought you guys might dig his unwavering commitment to it, because you all seem like pretty cool people who like cool shit.

Her blog.
Her list.
Adam's campaign.

See? pretty effing cool, right? Sure beats telling you not to wear your underwear inside out, which is what I was originally going to post about.

Hope this helps,

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