Ladies, ladies, ladies.
Can we talk? Can we be 'real' with each other?
What's the deal here?
"that one part of my side-thigh gets way colder than the rest of my thigh though!"
These jean-shorts are hurting us. I am a steadfast fan of the cut-off but I can no longer stand idly by while you people fudge everything up with your ignorance to the fact that this does not compliment ANY woman's widest area (small, medium, extra-medium or large) in any fathomable way. This is the UGG of my summer. You are all beautifully clad in well-pressed button ups or sheer flowing blouses with impeccable accessories, but when I scan to admire the rest of your fashion choices I am left wanting to cry into the two half kleenexes sticking out of your leg-holes. NO WAIT, THOSE ARE POCKETS. What are they for again? To conceal items that you'd like to keep close at hand? How novel.
It's unacceptable. Rectify it immediately. Your strappy sandals and wedges and cutesy pedicures still look fab though.
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